Saturday, February 5, 2011

Spring is Coming

Once again we set on the edge of spring; tired of battling the bone chilling cold of winter and watching the girls all getting wider with their babies inside.

This season will be; once again a good one. I just know it. Our efforts to bring the first flock of Navajo ewes back from such poor conditions has really paid off in their outer condition. They have nice long shiny wool, heavy bodies with bright eyes and bouncing strides. They look exceptionally good.

The Iowa flock was looking good to start with and they have become a beautiful addition to the place for sure and we are anxious to see what the lambs will be like from Joe & Shaker.

Shearing day has not be scheduled yet; we are hoping to have them sheared just before lambing next month so a call to Mr. Littlefield is in order to set the date and from there we will have raw wool to sell. I plan to try my hand at cleaning and preparing the wool for pining and felting this year. Not sure that I will do any good at it but I need to learn how some time and it may as well be now.

To all of you that read my notes; Thank You.

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